I really appreciated the content and the access you created for the clubhouse community. Right after the press talk of Mark Tobi and Daniel, I opened the Chinese room to digest the talk and to analyze the trends and opportunities for developers and creators, and the room size grew to 429 right away. I will continue to be a bridge of such great content. Thank you. drwan_brand@clubhouse

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> Apple takes a much bigger cut of that than anything that we take out of the money

This is a case of examining a forest with a magnifying lens. Facebook's impact on publishing is not an explicit tax it charges on publishers; it's that social link feeds like Facebook have driven users to expect that the cost of content is zero, thus driving publishers to rely entirely on advertising income, which Facebook and a handful of ad marketplaces have squeezed on the other side. No one should fall for this PR line, even if it is expertly crafted.

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I love everything you do at Clubhouse! I've been following you since my first week there, and am just fascinated by the way you keep looking for ways to make this work for people who want to either be more interactive or get access to the content on-demand.

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